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My goal was to promote the Tsang-Khyi standard Tibetan Mastiff and the guardian aspects of this majestic breed. We no longer breed, but our friends over at Blue Ridge Tibetan Mastiffs have some of our lines and offer some amazing Tibetan Mastiffs.
My commitment to this breed has not faltered or wavered in any way despite my struggles to find a sound breeding pair and cope with the amount of puppy mills ruining them. We had to spay and re-home our female Drakyi Keyuri of Shangrila because she was diagnosed with an immune disorder which broke our hearts.
Here at Shangri-La Farm we believe in natural pasture raised livestock and that the animals who provide for us are our family.
Keeping livestock happy also keeps them healthy, meaning no antibiotics are required. The main reason our mass produced food today is loaded with antibiotics is because the livestock are crammed in tiny, miserable living conditions, causing rampant disease and infection.
It has been proven that the eating of antibiotic loaded meat has caused our bodies to reduce the effectiveness or not work at all when we really need the antibiotics.
Hormone filled meat and milk has been proven to cause young girls bodies to enter womanhood before they are ever ready, as in the ages of 7, 8, 9 etc. !!
Here is a wonderful clip of another family starting a pasture fed livestock farm.
Support your local farmers and get the benefit of eating healthier today!
In Loving memory of my Princess, Xian.
Xian was taken from us to soon at the age of 2 years. We are devastated and left with no clear reason as to why she was taken from us. She was in perfect health and just passed her 2 year exam with an excellent bill of health. Our only guess between the vet and everyone with a medical background based on how she died was anaphylactic shock. Either a snake bite or wasp sting, and we're leaning towards wasp since there was a nest nearby. Xian went from normal and happy to dead in the time it took me to take a shower and get ready (approx. 45 min) . She showed no signs of illness and was eating fine. She eats her meal in the evening so her stomach was not full and that leads us to believe it was not Gastric Torsion. It was not poison as my other dogs are fine and she died to suddenly. She had muscle rigidity before the onset of rigormortis and her tongue was slightly swollen. My nights have been sleepless and my days have been torment. She died the day our male Tenzin arrived and never got to even meet him. Tenzin has been a blessing for our kids to ease their loss, but it has not been so easy for me. Rest in peace my beautiful Xian.
Feb 2009 - April 1st, 2011

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